Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta selling. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta selling. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

say, show and share to SELL...... WINE

Selling wine is much more than finding a wine shop, restaurant, distributor, importer, retailer, supermarket or marketplace operating a B2B or B2C strategy, it is a P2P experience. It has always been, and it will always be. Besides all new technologies, selling wine is personal, so personal that I would even say it is individual.

Of course, I am not talking here about wine tourism or about grabbing a nice good value bottle on the self of a supermarket. Even that basic wine, it had a first approach person to person before it went on the shelf, as I have experienced.

New trends indicate that millennials buy more wine online each day but we cannot forget that they also go out for eating and having a glass of wine with friends, the offline version.

my working tools
So, when it comes to really “sell wine”, a producer, winemaker, brand ambassador or seller must be a wine entertainer and focus on attracting the person´s attention by telling tips, stories, special characteristics and explain the soul of the liquid element. 

If we fail to connect Person to Person, selling our wines will be a hard task. Even if the wine has undergone through a traditional or modern elaboration technique, vineyards were being brought up as own children or premises were state-of-the-art all these efforts will lay down in obscurity, not to mention the sacred MARKETING ROI.

That´s why wine events and fairs hardly will disappear. In wine, there is a mystic, a human factor that cannot be “replaced” by machines. Different matters are placing orders and logistics. In that sense e-commerce, shops online, marketplaces are the future and present. 

So, never stop nurturing your wine curiosity.

...because life taste better with wine!! Cheers!!