viernes, 27 de enero de 2023

Asking #AI #ChatGPT why people like and love wine


Since I started my blog Vida y Vino in 2010, I have shared my ideas, thoughts and experiences about wine, marketing and life. I am very keen on writing and sharing them, so I will keep doing it because I love to experience and creativity.

Having said that, I also love to study new proposals, challenges and tools. For that reason, I accomplished an experiment in this digital online era: I asked an #AI "WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE AND LOVE WINE?" After a few seconds (it actually was quite fast!!) I had in front of me a very nice paragraph. But not so happy with the result, I asked again for more answers. My heart went faster as I needed to find out more!! It was quite funny to see how it was writing showing me all this information. I also noticed that the word "flavor" was written in U.S. English when in U.K. English is written "flavour". I guess that the  Spanish language will also have big differences among different countries.

So, here you have all that "my new friend" #ChatGPT told me about people loving wine!! You may agree or not with its statements, but for sure it knows a lot about humans and what keep us moving!! Enjoy the reading. Cheers!!

People enjoy wine for a variety of reasons. Some appreciate the complexity of flavors and aromas that different types of wine can have, while others enjoy the social aspect of sharing a bottle with friends or family. Additionally, wine can be paired with food to enhance the dining experience. It also has been known to have some health benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Some people also appreciate the cultural and historical significance of wine-making. Overall, people like and love wine for its taste, aroma, and the way it can bring people together.

Others may enjoy the ritual of opening and pouring a bottle of wine, and the social aspect of sharing it with friends or family. Additionally, wine has been associated with many cultural and historical events throughout history, making it an interesting topic to explore and learn about. Furthermore, wine can be paired with different types of foods, which can enhance the overall dining experience.

People may like or love wine for a variety of reasons. Some people enjoy the taste and complexity of different wines, while others appreciate the social aspect of sharing a bottle with friends or famlily. Others may enjoy the ritual of pairing wine with food or the history and culture associated with wine-making. Some people may also enjoy the feeling of relaxation or sophistication that comes with drinking wine. Ultimately, the reasons people like or love wine are likely to be as diverse as the people themselves.

So this is it!! What do you think? Is it accurate? Will it substitute us? me?. Nooo!! AI will help us as a versatile tool because, I guess, the diversity of the human factor will never disappear.

Although we must reckon that ChatGPT knows quite well global #winelovers. Cheers!!

domingo, 15 de enero de 2023

#WineTalks ... mucho más que catas de vinos

Desde hace unos años vengo desarrollando una de las actividades más gratificantes que existen dentro del marketing vitivinícola. Se trata de las #WINETALKS donde hablo de la Cultura e Historia del vino compartiendo y catando vinos de España y del mundo. Me encanta ver y sentir el entusiasmo, interés y curiosidad de los asistentes cuando prueban los vinos, escuchan, hablan y preguntan.

Por eso, siempre estoy pensando en nuevas ideas e hilos conductores que sean atractivos para generar interés en las personas que aman el vino y quieren saber más y descubrir nuevas zonas, uvas, bodegas, productores, países, elaboraciones y filosofías.

A fecha de hoy, han sido ya cientos de personas las que han querido compartir estos momentos de aprendizaje, ocio y entretenimiento para disfrutar y aprender del mundo del vino. Incluso en los momentos más duros de la salida de la pandemia continuamos acercando el vino a la gente y  aunque en pequeños grupos hubo una gran acogida e interés.

Sigo indagando y buscando vinos, generando ideas y creando argumentos sólidos para democratizar un producto tan nuestro, como es el vino, que ha sido entronizado y alejado de mucha gente por miedo o desconocimiento. Una vez que se prueba y comprende, el vino se convierte en fácil, cercano y accesible. 

Continuar disfrutando de vinos y variedades del mundo, autóctonas españolas tradicionales y otras que están siendo recuperadas en los últimos años por bodegas con tradición renovada y nuevas promesas en el panorama vitivinícola español es posible. Descubrir las diferentes caras de la Garnacha viajera, cuya cuna se encuentra en Aragón también. Pasear por las históricas cuencas del Ebro y del Duero a través de sus vinos para descubrirlas y conocerlas. Disfrutar de un viento fresco del Norte a través de sus uvas, de la brisa mediterránea con sus vinos y, por supuesto, navegar por nuestras queridas Islas Baleares y Canarias recordando que LA VIDA SABE MEJOR CON VINO Y EN COMPAÑIA ¡¡SALUD!!

Soy Susana Munilla Martinez -aka @sumunconcept- y divulgo la cultura y el mundo del vino. Puedes encontrarme en las rrss:

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